
Serving Fairfield, Iowa City/Cedar Rapids & Surrounding Areas
My name is Eli Morgan, and I am an ISA Certified Arborist currently living in Fairfield Iowa. I have been in the tree care industry and stump removal business for the past 12 years.
We offer a full-range of tree health care services, stump removal, as well as a consulting services.
We take pride in our work, our communication, and place a high value on those we work for – not only as customers, but as friends. As a result, we have earned an excellent reputation for what we do.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you value your trees and their wellbeing.
What Drives Me
I’ve always felt at home, an indescribable feeling of comfort and belonging, when I’m around trees, especially when I’m in the woods. When I was a child I was always attracted to the forest. I wasn’t sure why, but I never questioned it until about 12 years ago when I started studying arboriculture and I learned that trees are sentient beings, similar to us. The more I learned, the more similarities I saw between trees and human beings:
They have vascular flow which transports sap and nutrients via the expansion and contraction of small muscles in their rays (arteries).
They have the ability to transpire (perspire) to cool themselves off via small openings in their leaves and bark called stomata (pores).
Trees and woody plants have the ability to compartmentalize cuts/wounds and to heal around them, causing wound wood (scar tissue).
Trees absorb energy from the sun and convert that energy into photosynthate (sugar), that they use for growth and regulating their immune system.
Trees require water and nutrients from the soil – many of which are the same nutrients that human beings require.
If you believe in Darwin’s theory of evolution, then trees are a necessary part of our survival and our genealogy – they have been a source of shade, comfort, food, medicine and beauty since our monkey days. We’ve formed a strong symbiotic relationship with them.